plant-based waste - RE:CYCLE
has invested for more than a decade in research and highly innovative technology towards the levulinic acid platform and has been the first company to produce levulinate-based derivatives affordably at a commercial scale.
Plant waste feedstock
Produced from biomass, preferably from agricultural waste streams or co-products from other industries, such as paper mills.
Chemical Transformation
RE:CHEMISTRY has invested for more than a decade in research and highly innovative technology towards the levulinic acid platform and has been the first company to produce levulinate-based derivatives affordably at a commercial scale.
All the products in our range are classified as non-flammable, non-toxic to aquatic life, and most of all, deliver high performance. We reduce waste, conserve resources, and maintain the highest standards of health and safety in all our operations.
Back to nature
By using eco-friendly materials and sustainable manufacturing, we minimize ecological impact and support a healthier planet. This commitment reflects our dedication to environmental stewardship and responsible innovation.
Levulinic acid is considered a versatile building block for renewable solvents, plasticisers, polyols, monomers, polymers, nylons, and even biofuels.
It is produced from biomass, preferably from agricultural waste streams or co-products from other industries, such as paper mills.
We are proud of
our achievements
Total active patents
up to CO2 reduction
Plant-based products from feedstock
Countries available worldwide
Our proprietary
technology is protected by
197 patents
Download the technical sheets

Download the technical sheets
Levulinic acid is a platform molecule made from Agro-waste, with a left hand and a right hand functionality, which each can be independently transformed to different functionalities and therefore to a wealth of molecules targeting different applications.
It’s a major breakthrough in the chemistry world !

Our Worldwide
Aix-en-provence - France
Headquarters and R&D center
Geleen - Netherlands
R&D and Sales operations
Manufacturing site
Minneapolis - USA
Commercial operations
Antwerp - Belgium
Manufacturing and Sales office